Namespaces |
namespace | JPEG |
namespace | PNG |
Classes |
class | CircularArray |
| Template for creating circular arrays. More...
class | FileFinder |
| Class used for standardizing the retrieval of resource files. More...
class | FileIO |
| Contains functions for creating and deleting files/directories and scanning for files. More...
class | Image |
| Simple image data structure for storing RAW image data and for easy conversion to/from a few compression formats. More...
class | MappedMemory |
| The MappedMemory data structure implements shared/mapped memory that can be accessed between threads/processes. It can be used in a similar manner to the Packet class. More...
class | MappedMessageBox |
| Message storage class for sharing packet or string data between threads/processes using shared memory. This MappedMessageBox class is only compatible with other programs using the same from CxUtils. More...
class | MessageClient |
| Client interface to subscribe to/get messages from the MessageServer class. All messages are received through shared memory and can work between processes. More...
class | MessageServer |
| Class to create a server that can detect clients processes and distribute messages to them using mapped/shared memory. More...
class | Joystick |
| Simple Joystick class for interfacing to a joystick. More...
class | Keyboard |
| Static methods for determining if a key is currently being pressed and to generate keyboard/key events. More...
class | Wgs |
| Simple World Geodetic System (WGS) latitude and longitude coordinate system data structure. More...
class | Utm |
| Simple Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system data structure. More...
class | Gcc |
| Simple Geo-Centric Coordinate (GCC) system data structure. More...
class | Orientation |
| Simple class for doing angle difference or other needed orientation methods. More...
class | Matrix |
| Simple matrix data structure. More...
class | PIDController |
| A generic PID controller. This can be used for any application that needs to handle oscillations using a PID controller. Specific examples using a PID controller are maintain velocity, heading, or position. More...
class | Point3D |
| Simple 3D point structure. More...
class | Quaternion |
| Simple quaternion representation. More...
class | RunningStats |
| A simple class for dynamically calculating certain statistics such as Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, and Average. More...
class | Segment3D |
| Simple 3D Line Segment structure. Class contains methods for basic geometric relationships between segments and points in 3D space. More...
class | Mouse |
| Static methods for determining the current position of the mouse cursor on the screen and to emulate mouse movements and button clicks. More...
class | Mutex |
| Cross platform mutex structure for thread safe operations. This structure has been defined to work in both Windows and Linux operating systems. More...
class | IP4Address |
| Simple IPv4 Network Address structure. More...
class | IP6Address |
| Simple IPv6 Network Address structure. More...
class | IPAddress |
| Simple IP Network Address structure. More...
class | Socket |
| Basic socket structure for creating network connections. All specific sockets inherit from this class (UDP, TCP). More...
class | TcpClient |
| Socket which connects over TCP to a server. More...
class | TcpListenSocket |
| Socket which listens for incomming TCP client connections, and creates TcpServerSockets. More...
class | TcpServer |
| Socket created by TcpListenSocket which maintains a connection to a TCP client. Capable of sending/receiving packet data from/to client. More...
class | UdpClient |
| Socket structure sending UDP messages. More...
class | UdpServer |
| Socket structure for receiving and UDP/IP messages. More...
class | UdpSharedServer |
| UDP Server software that can be used to run multiple applications that can receive unicast UDP messages simultaneously. More...
class | Packet |
| Data structure for storing message data into a buffer. More...
class | Serial |
| Serial (RS232) communication interface. More...
class | Thread |
| Cross-platform class for creating threads for functions or adding thread capabilities to a class using inheritence. More...
class | Time |
| A simple time structure. All time values are UTC. More...
class | Timer |
| Simple cross-platform Timer interface. Timer can be used for more accurate delay/sleep statement (1 ms accuracy), and for creating a periodic timed event with high accuracy. More...
class | JoystickInterface |
| Internal wrapper interface for the Joystick class implementation to encapsulate Windowns and Linux code. More...
Typedefs |
typedef Joystick::Callback | JoystickCallback |
typedef Point3D | Vector3D |
| This type definition replaces a previously used Vector3D class which had duplicate functionality to that of Point3D.
typedef UdpClient | UdpSender |
| Type defintiion.
typedef UdpServer | UdpReceiver |
| Type defintiion.
typedef Timer::Callback | TimerCallback |
| Typedef for backwards compatibility.
Functions |
int CX_UTILS_DLL | GetChar () |
CX_UTILS_DLL void | GccXyzToWgsHpr (const Gcc &gcc, const Point3D &xyz, Wgs &wgs, Point3D &hpr) |
| Converts from a GCC position and DIS/XYZ orientation to a WGS and Heading-Pitch-Roll orientation.
CX_UTILS_DLL void | WgsHprToGccXyz (const Wgs &wgs, const Point3D &hpr, Gcc &gcc, Point3D &xyz) |
| Converts from a WGS position and Heading-Pitch-Roll orientation to a GCC position and DIS/XYZ orientation.
CX_UTILS_DLL void | WgsHprToGccXyz (const Wgs &wgs, const Point3D &hpr, Point3D &xyz) |
| Converts Heading-Pitch-Roll orientation to a GCC position XYZ orientation at a geodetic location.
void | WgsToUtm (const Wgs &wgs, Utm &utm) |
| Convert WGS position to UTM position.
void | WgsToGcc (const Wgs &wgs, Gcc &gcc) |
| Convert WGS position to GCC position.
void | UtmToWgs (const Utm &utm, Wgs &wgs) |
| Convert UTM position to WGS position.
void | UtmToGcc (const Utm &utm, Gcc &gcc) |
| Convert UTM position to GCC position.
void | GccToWgs (const Gcc &gcc, Wgs &wgs) |
| Convert GCC position to WGS position.
void | GccToUtm (const Gcc &gcc, Utm &utm) |
| Convert GCC position to UTM position.
double | CxToRadians (const double deg) |
| Converts from degrees to radians.
double | CxToDegrees (const double rad) |
| Converts from radians to degrees.
CX_UTILS_DLL Quaternion | operator~ (const Quaternion &q) |
CX_UTILS_DLL void | SleepMs (const unsigned int ms) |
| Method for performing a sleep statement.
CX_UTILS_DLL unsigned long long int | GetTimeMs () |
CX_UTILS_DLL double | GetTimeSeconds () |
CX_UTILS_DLL void | GetSystemTime (unsigned int &day, unsigned int &hour, unsigned int &minute, unsigned int &second, unsigned int &msecond) |
| Gets the current system time (UTC).
CX_UTILS_DLL void | GetSystemTime (unsigned short &day, unsigned short &hour, unsigned short &minute, unsigned short &second, unsigned short &msecond) |
| Gets the current system time (UTC).
CX_UTILS_DLL bool | SetSystemTime (unsigned int year, unsigned int month, unsigned int day, unsigned int hour, unsigned int minute, unsigned int second, unsigned int msecond) |
| Sets the current system time (UTC). You will need system privalages to make this function call. Advise not to use.
Variables |
const double | CX_PI = 3.14159265358979323846 |
| Value of PI.
const double | CX_HALF_PI = 1.57079632679489661923 |
| PI divided by 2.0.
const double | CX_FOURTH_PI = 0.785398163397448309615 |
| PI diviced by 4.0.
const double | CX_PI_OVER_180 = 0.0174532925199432957692222 |
| PI divided by 180.0.
const double | CX_180_OVER_PI = 57.295779513082320876846364 |
| 180 dividied by PI.
const double | CX_TWO_PI = 6.28318530717958647692 |
| PI * 2.
const double | CX_EPSILON = .00000000000000000000001 |
| Small number to prevent divide by 0.
const double | PI = 3.14159265358979323846 |
| Value of PI.
const double | Epsilon = .00000000000000000000001 |
| Small number to prevent divide by 0.
const unsigned int | CX_PACKET_OK = 1 |
| Success value on return.
const unsigned int | CX_PACKET_FAILURE = 0 |
| Failure value on return.
const unsigned int | CX_PACKET_BLOCK_SIZE = 32 |
| Allocate memory in this size byte blocks.
const unsigned int | CX_PACKET_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0 |
| Little endian byte order.
const unsigned int | CX_PACKET_BIG_ENDIAN = 1 |
| Big endian byte order.
const int | CX_SERIAL_NO_PARITY = 0 |
| No parity on serial data.
const int | CX_SERIAL_EVEN_PARITY = 1 |
| Even parity serial data.
const int | CX_SERIAL_ODD_PARITY = 2 |
| Odd parity on serial data.