CxUtils::Joystick::Callback | Simple Joystick Callback class which can be used to receive automatic joystick updates |
CxUtils::Keyboard::Callback | Callback class to use to get keyboard events |
CxUtils::MessageClient::Callback | Callback class used for getting messages received by the client |
CxUtils::UdpSharedServer::Callback | Callback class used for getting UDP messages received by the shared server socket |
CxUtils::Timer::Callback | Callback interface for registering for Timer Events. Overload the ProcessTimerEvent method, and register with a Timer |
CxUtils::CircularArray< T > | Template for creating circular arrays |
CxUtils::JPEG::Compressor | If compressing multiple JPEG images, use a compressor because it will re-use memory for a slight speed up |
CxUtils::CircularArray< T >::const_iterator | Class for iterating through the circular array in a manner that is familiar to those who use the STL |
CxUtils::CircularArray< T >::const_reverse_iterator | Class for iterating through the circular array in a manner that is familiar to those who use the STL |
CxUtils::Mutex::CScopedPtr< T > | Equivalent of the ScopedPtr class, but for constant data |
CxUtils::Joystick::Callback::Data | Data structure to store pointers to callback data registered with the Joystick interface |
CxUtils::UdpSharedServer::Callback::Data | Small structure for storing function callback data |
CxUtils::FileFinder | Class used for standardizing the retrieval of resource files |
CxUtils::FileIO | Contains functions for creating and deleting files/directories and scanning for files |
CxUtils::MessageClient::Callback::Function | Small structure for storing function callback data |
CxUtils::Timer::Callback::Function | Function object data used by the Timer class for storing Function Callbacks for Timer Events. |
CxUtils::Gcc | Simple Geo-Centric Coordinate (GCC) system data structure |
CxUtils::MappedMessageBox::Header | Class for storing MappedMessageBox header information that is stored at the beginning of shared memory used in MappedMessageBox |
CxUtils::Image | Simple image data structure for storing RAW image data and for easy conversion to/from a few compression formats |
CxUtils::UdpSharedServer::Info | Data structure to store socket information |
CxUtils::PNG::InputSource | Input source for PNG decompression manager |
CxUtils::JPEG::InputSource | Input source for JPEG decompression manager |
CxUtils::IP4Address | Simple IPv4 Network Address structure |
CxUtils::IP6Address | Simple IPv6 Network Address structure |
CxUtils::IPAddress | Simple IP Network Address structure |
CxUtils::CircularArray< T >::iterator | Class for iterating through the circular array in a manner that is familiar to those who use the STL |
CxUtils::Joystick | Simple Joystick class for interfacing to a joystick |
CxUtils::JoystickInterface | Internal wrapper interface for the Joystick class implementation to encapsulate Windowns and Linux code |
CxUtils::Keyboard | Static methods for determining if a key is currently being pressed and to generate keyboard/key events |
CxUtils::Thread::Manager | Thread Manager class which can be used to keep track of multiple running threads |
CxUtils::MappedMemory | The MappedMemory data structure implements shared/mapped memory that can be accessed between threads/processes. It can be used in a similar manner to the Packet class |
CxUtils::MappedMessageBox | Message storage class for sharing packet or string data between threads/processes using shared memory. This MappedMessageBox class is only compatible with other programs using the same from CxUtils |
CxUtils::Matrix | Simple matrix data structure |
CxUtils::MessageClient | Client interface to subscribe to/get messages from the MessageServer class. All messages are received through shared memory and can work between processes |
CxUtils::MessageServer | Class to create a server that can detect clients processes and distribute messages to them using mapped/shared memory |
CxUtils::Mouse | Static methods for determining the current position of the mouse cursor on the screen and to emulate mouse movements and button clicks |
CxUtils::Mutex | Cross platform mutex structure for thread safe operations. This structure has been defined to work in both Windows and Linux operating systems |
CxUtils::Orientation | Simple class for doing angle difference or other needed orientation methods |
CxUtils::PNG::OutputSource | Output source for PNG compression manager |
CxUtils::JPEG::OutputSource | Output source for JPEG compression manager |
CxUtils::Packet | Data structure for storing message data into a buffer |
CxUtils::PIDController | A generic PID controller. This can be used for any application that needs to handle oscillations using a PID controller. Specific examples using a PID controller are maintain velocity, heading, or position |
CxUtils::Point3D | Simple 3D point structure |
CxUtils::Quaternion | Simple quaternion representation |
CxUtils::MessageServer::Registry | Registry to keep track of clients who want to receive data from the Message Server. Message Clients must register themselves to receive data from the Message Server |
CxUtils::CircularArray< T >::reverse_iterator | Class for iterating through the circular array in a manner that is familiar to those who use the STL |
CxUtils::RunningStats | A simple class for dynamically calculating certain statistics such as Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, and Average |
CxUtils::Mutex::ScopedLock | Class for enabling a Mutex within a specific program scope which will unlock the mutex when out of scope (when object is destroyed) |
CxUtils::Mutex::ScopedPtr< T > | Template class for making a pointer to some data that that needs protection by a mutex. When the Ptr goes out of scope or is deleted the mutex is automatically released |
CxUtils::Segment3D | Simple 3D Line Segment structure. Class contains methods for basic geometric relationships between segments and points in 3D space |
CxUtils::Mutex::SemUnion | Simple union structure used to create a semaphore (Global Named Mutex) in a posix compliant OS (Linux) |
CxUtils::Serial | Serial (RS232) communication interface |
CxUtils::Socket | Basic socket structure for creating network connections. All specific sockets inherit from this class (UDP, TCP) |
CxUtils::Time::Synchronizer | A Time Synchronizer acts as either a timer server or a time client |
CxUtils::TcpClient | Socket which connects over TCP to a server |
CxUtils::TcpListenSocket | Socket which listens for incomming TCP client connections, and creates TcpServerSockets |
CxUtils::TcpServer | Socket created by TcpListenSocket which maintains a connection to a TCP client. Capable of sending/receiving packet data from/to client |
CxUtils::Thread | Cross-platform class for creating threads for functions or adding thread capabilities to a class using inheritence |
CxUtils::Time | A simple time structure. All time values are UTC |
CxUtils::Timer | Simple cross-platform Timer interface. Timer can be used for more accurate delay/sleep statement (1 ms accuracy), and for creating a periodic timed event with high accuracy |
CxUtils::UdpClient | Socket structure sending UDP messages |
CxUtils::UdpServer | Socket structure for receiving and UDP/IP messages |
CxUtils::UdpSharedServer | UDP Server software that can be used to run multiple applications that can receive unicast UDP messages simultaneously |
CxUtils::Utm | Simple Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system data structure |
CxUtils::Wgs | Simple World Geodetic System (WGS) latitude and longitude coordinate system data structure |
CxUtils::Packet::Wrapper | Method to wrap an existing byte array within a Packet for easy Read/Write operations. The wrapped buffer is not resized or deleted by the Packet |