Open Source Tools from the University of Central Florida
The Applied Cognition and Training in Immersive Virtual Environments (ACTIVE) Laboratory at the Institute for Simulation and Training (IST) at the University of Central Florida is engaged in applied research and development for the analysys and improvement of human performance. Our multidisciplinary team is engaged in: Technology Interfaces and Integration, Robotics, Human-Systems Integration and Engineering Management, Operational Neurosensing, Learning, and Informal Learning (i.e. gaming). The ACTIVE-IST project hosted by is an outlet for us to release software developed within our laboratory. Software libraries and tools for cross-platform development, interfaces, and robotics will be provided to help others collaborate with us, or expand upon our efforts.
The Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS), pronounced "jaws", is an emerging standard for communiction with any type of unmanned vehicle that is independent of the technology employed. JAUS++ is a C++ implementation of JAUS (i.e. JAUS SDK) developed by the ACTIVE Laboratory for use in real and simulated unmanned vehicles. This JAUS SDK is designed to support the rapid development of robotics applications, with current version implementatin the SAE Standard (AS5669, AS5710, AS6009), however previous versions (prior to 2.0) support the complete JAUS Reference Architecture 3.3 message set and Node Manager interfaces. It has been heavily tested, and proven to be compliant with other JAUS implmentations such as the JAUS Compliance Tool Suite used in robotics competitions such as the IGVC. This site contains additional documentation to help users get started with JAUS++ that supplements the extensive documents provided with the library.
The Mixed Initiative Experimental (MIX) Testbed is a research environment for Human-Robotic Interaction (HRI) composed of two primary applications: the Operator Control Unit (OCU) and the Unmanned System Simulator (USSIM). The OCU interfaces with one or more Unmanned Systems (e.g. ground, air, and surface robots) simulated by the USSIM applications, and is capable of simulating multiple concurrent tasks(e.g. radio communications, map updates). The Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) provides the underlying communication protocol for MIX applications allowing for seamless integration of real or simulated Unmanned Systems developed by the ACTIVE Laboratory and collaborators. This site contains additional documentation to help users get started with MIX.